Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Cut the Chase.... Live your dream!

East Hampton 2018 with Baby Girl.
Have you ever felt like you just drag yourself to work? That your heart is not in it anymore? I guess, it’s a sign to start assessing if whether or not you’re still happy with what your doing.

Let me share with you a brief background about me: I used to teach in preschool before I became a full-time childcare provider for a private family. My main responsibility is taking care of their daughter who is now 3years old. From being a tiny baby to a school girl, from changing diapers to hair braiding, from pushing stroller to taking public transportation, from puree food to gourmet servings, from sweet talks to bribing and a heap of things. You might possibly think I birthed this little angel. The only consolation I get at the end of day is the thought that I have planted a seed of goodness in this child’s heart and I hope that it will stay there forever.

But despite all of that, this job is not easy and it’s not for everyone. And hence, here I am trying to weigh what my options are in life. So I made these self-reflection questions:
  1. Is work becoming a mere cycle of repetition? If we keep doing the same things over and over again there will come a time that we end up being sick of it. We start asking ourselves the purpose of our job. I for one is on the same boat as this. Mind you, 10+ hrs round the clock for almost 3 years, it gets super exhausting. We have a routine every single day although it varies but dealing with a child takes a lot of patience. It becomes very unpredictable— some mornings they’re the sweetest and most other mornings they turn into mini hulks. (Please read Boss Baby if you get a chance). What I do can’t be compared to any desk job because in a regular office, you at least know what you’re dealing with but for many of us, it’s like coming in a circus show, simultaneous stuff happens both at the same time. Tip: You need to find a different outlet for distraction. Balance your social life as much as possible. 
  2. Are your efforts under appreciated? This one is very personal for me. I’m the kind of person that puts my heart in the things I do because I know for one I can always do more. I don’t feel good when I know that I’ve done something lousy. For bosses, your simple thank you goes a looooong way. We are not expecting anything extravagant but at least be sensitive with those magic words because at the end of the day, we are trying our best in making your work less stressful.
  3. Do you still have what it takes to hustle? Remember the first time you started your job, there was that ecstatic feeling of excitement? You were always enthusiastic about so many things and yet over the years, you are spiraling down because you are underappreciated, work load is getting heavier and things just don’t seem to work anymore. You’re only doing what you’re supposed to do because you have to augment your needs. I’m currently feeling this, you’re physically present but you can no longer find your heart in it. I guess, this would be the best time to start moving on. It’s not healthy for you and you’re not helping the people you’re working for. Tip: Be honest.
  4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years? It’s very important that we re-visit this question from time to time. We need to start thinking about the future: marriage, finances, security and the likes. Where I am right now is just a stepping stone of something bigger. Of course, it’s easier said than done. I have a good paying job but life is not just about that. I have to look beyond. I want to settle down one day and have my own family. I want to go back to school and earn a master’s degree. I want to pursue my hobby. I want to travel and see the world. So there’s a need for change and for that to happen, you need to take some risks. A friend once told me, if you don’t know where to start, just begin.

“That ache you feel might indeed be a kind of warning signal to yourself. Take it as motivation to push a little, before your groove becomes a rut.” I got that quote from NY times and it got me thinking really hard. So my friend, I guess it’s time to cut the chase and live your dream!

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